The Future Impulse or Mind the Mints
A. Kaye
LSD₂₅₀, an experimental drug of unknown properties was developed during the late 1960s. A variety of test subjects were found, all volunteers, mostly burned-out cases. The experiments were illegally sponsored by the CI...
There is a country…
Allan Graubard
There is a country all too rarely visited where nothing ever happens. It is a place as calm as a tomb, and with the same bleak hope as a tomb. Its citizens take this for granted, wishing above all to preserve the sanctity of...
Three Book Reviews by Max Fielding
Benjamin Schmitt
The ancients shared stories through ears, for them literature was an oral (or aural) tradition spoken to audiences and passed down to each new generation. In modern times stories are mostly shared through the e...
Ron Riekki
In prison, we talk about film.
We fantasize about film.
We talk about prison movies as if the real prison doesn’t exist, as if there is only Clint Eastwood and Alcatraz, only Paul Newman and his chain gang. Because ...
Ian C. Smith
Like being drawn by a soaring choir to an ancient cathedral high on the ramparts of an enchanting city I am in thrall to scungy streets replayed in my mind. I see lampposts disappear into fog in my early boyhood near London,...
Solid Oak
Mary Lewis
From her table at the kitchen window Francine glanced out to the road half a mile away to see if the mailman made a stop at their box. A car turned into the long driveway and stopped half way, started again and came another...
George Street
Ronald Jackson
Under a milky overcast, Tass Warfield crept through the rear window of an abandoned rowhouse on George Street and stood for a time in the silent kitchen. Wide gaps in the worn-down linoleum exposed the old tile flooring, a c...
Linda Boroff
The silent, empty cubicles of the Discarded remain untouched, their gray, padded walls still displaying the cartoons, awards, and post-it notes of their late occupants. Computer towers stand inert beside telephones patiently...
POETRY DAZE – Minimalist Poems, Millionaire Dreams, and Andrew Wylie Before He Became “The Jackal”
Jeff Goldberg
Andrew Wylie is as rich and powerful as he always wanted to be, a super-agent known in the publishing world as “The Jackal” for stealing writers from their longtime, loyal agents and publishers. Victor Bockris—who spun...
The Other Dave
David Larsen
I wasn’t eager to open the door in a motel room at three in the morning. I may be foolish, but I’m not stupid.
“Who the hell is it?” I shouted through the closed door. I pushed on the door to get some idea as...
Alhana McNutt
My feet, as if acting on their own, start running towards the Ocean. They take me to the center of the beach and come to a halt. I take a moment to catch my breath and look up to the sky, my eyes filling with tears. After a ...
Three Years
J. Boyett
Bob didn’t really think the three girls were going to fuck him. But if they’d been three twenty-something males who’d knocked on the door of his isolated backwoods house after dark, he likely wouldn’t have invited th...
A Tiny Seed
Michael Gray
There’s a huge thingamajig outside the Buddy Holly Center in Lubbock. I reckon you’d call it a sculpture. It’s a big old pair of glasses nearly as tall as me. You could fit your body behind just one lens. I do that and...
To See a Man About a Dog
Amber Baird
Daddy texted that he got a surprise to cheer me up, something u always wanted, he said, so on the Greyhound trip home after a terrible semester at college, options line danced through my head. Maybe a Harley Davidson with st...
The Chelsea Hotel
Elizabeth Morse
Diana realized that she’d had a one-night stand with Ben at the Chelsea Hotel twenty-five years ago.
When the realization hit, Ben and Diana were at a restaurant eating enchiladas, comfortably ensconced in a ...