Nobody Reads Mailer Anymore
Frank Richards
Things were different in those days. Back in the nineties, my international business meetings were face-to-face rather than screen-to-screen. I spent a lot of time in the air. Sometimes I felt like one of those big sea birds...
We Come, We Go
Lenny Levine
“Thank you, New York!”
Justin Howitzer stood bathed in spotlights, his right fist raised aloft, his left hand idly tracing patterns on the fingerboard of his Stratocaster, as if impatient to begin the last song of t...
Anarchy At The Circle K – excerpt
Patrick O'Neil
On the road with Dead Kennedys, TSOL, Flipper, Subhumans and...HEROIN
A memoir by Patrick O'Neil
Punk Hostage Press, 2022
By 10pm I’ve yet to meet anyone that says they’re in charge. I had t...
The Slop
J. Boyett
He spat his toothpaste into the sink, rinsed his mouth, then as he straightened saw himself in the mirror and froze. Yesterday he’d been in a public bathroom with mirrors mounted on all the walls, which had given him the c...
Darth Trip
Marc Olmsted
“New York is a head without a body. California is a body without a head.” - Vincent Zangrillo
“You sound like a cowboy, only intelligent.” - Vinny’s friend to me
Return of the Jedi wasn’t really any go...
Christmas in the Heart of Dixie
Patrick O'Neil
It’s hard to find a vein when you’re driving. It’s even harder to find a vein when you no longer have any. Shit, my veins used to stand out like well-torqued E strings. I could just feel around with my fingers. You kno...
Parisian Literary Imposter
bart plantenga
Luke discovered Sophie’s latest map, “LUKE’S BRAIN – XXX DESIRES & FANTASYS & BEAUCOUP DE RIEN,” taped to the perfectly fine desklamp he’d rescued from the street. Sophie hated that lamp, the kink in its aluminum...
J. Boyett
On Christmas morning of 2020, in Morrilton, Arkansas, enough hatred was exerted in the living room of David and Nancy Dunbar, and in a focused enough manner, to raise a Krzllgian Fleshbeast and zap the whole family into its ...
Ron Riekki
I joined the Air Force to get money for a film that was shooting in Los Angeles. I had already been in the U.S. Marines and am the only Marine in the history of the Marines to hate the Marines. Or to be brave enough to say...
Sugar Foot
David Simmons
Chauncey liked to freebase smack with the foil positioned so that the shiny side was up. What he hoped to gain from this was self-induced Alzheimer’s. It came from burning the aluminum.
Chauncey said, “I don’t wanna...
Dahmer, Dolphy & Me
Daniel A. Brown
“Yet man is born unto trouble, as the sparks fly upward.”
– Job (5:7)
I had never killed or cannibalized a woman but I did fear that I might be turning into a serial killer.This was 1992, a few years after Ted Bun...
Cultivating Pippi Longstocking
Neil Martinson
One warm spring afternoon in 1990 I was walking across the Williamsburg Bridge on my way to Manhattan, as I’d done countless times during my years in Brooklyn. A recent, tumultuous breakup was still fresh in my mind, but I was beginning to feel somewhat liberated, enjoying the freedom of finally living alone, and learning to have fun again. The bridge scene from Pippi On The Run flashed into my mind, and in a split second I knew what I had to do.
In this movie, the heroine Pippi Longstocking’s indomitable approach to life achieves its peak expression, centering around her ability to achieve anything she wants, often by refusing to accept the impossible. The scene in my mind has Pippi and her two friends Tommy and Annika looking down from a bridge at a steam-engine train chugging along the tracks below. Pippi suggests all three of them jump off the bridge onto the roof of the moving train. Uptight Annika begs her not to do it, bu...
The Prisoner
James Reich
I remember his gallows thighs. His cock swung like a rope. The camp was weighted with snow and silence, settled with barbed wire, starvation in its planks and silted soup. Among the black beds, in cover of crowding, we fucke...
The Cowboy
James Reich
Here came a cowboy with sun-saddled skin. He had killed but once, but had killed simply, in Santa Fe where the turquoise tells. The cowboy was young with a jackrabbit’s poise, a buck-toothed boy, spring-heeled and dun. It ...
Mermaids Are People Too
bart plantenga
“That happens to be nothing less than a mermaid.
An authentic, flesh & blood mermaid.”
—William Powell, Mr. Peabody & the Mermaid
Bikini Girl requested – demanded! – that I show up at the Monkey Bar in a...