cicatrix dreaming is video collaboration that began with the moldy & degraded, found 35mm photo slides color slides, restored and curated by Justin Rhody, shown in September of 2015 as a part of his Vernacular Visions series. There were recently-completed Fine Vermin recordings that resolved the slides into a cogent narrative and Jay Kreimer devised words to pull it all together. Many thanks to the musicians who contributed to this piece, including Jennifer Wilsey, Jorge Bachmann and Jay Kreimer. The source recordings were from the 2013 collaboration, The July Amalgam, as well as the 2015 album, Emergent Frost Variations.
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David Graves is a Sound designer based in the Bay Area.
Jay Kreimer is an instrument inventor, composer & educator based in Lincoln, NE. He has performed in the free-improv ensemble, (D)(B)(H).
Justin Clifford Rhody is a photographer based in Oakland CA and he also organizes the found photo slideshow series, Vernacular Visions. His most recent photobook, titled Dec. 21st, 2012: Chichicastenango, was published by Mirro Editions.
Your writing ability helps me to feel exactly where you describe.
This article is a valuable contribution to the field and a pleasure to read. This piece provides a fresh and compelling take on the subject.