Sensitive Skin features art, writing and music, without rules or boundaries, by both famous and emerging artists, writers, and musicians from around the globe.

Sensitive Skin 11, published October 2014, an anthology of post-beat, pre-apocalyptic art, writing, music and whatnot, features work by both world-famous and new-and-emerging artists, writers, and musicians from around the globe.
Features writing by Arthur Nersesian (The Fuck-Up), Spin columnist Celia Farber, Maggie Estep (Diary of an Emotional Idiot, Hex, Alice Fantastic), D. Scot Miller (Knot Frum Hear), Deborah Pintonelli (Ego Monkey), Joshua Mohr (Damascus, Fight Song), Anonymous (Diary of an Oxygen Thief), Alan Kaufman (Drunken Angel, Matches), Marc Olmsted, with an interview with Dîre McCain, editor of Paraphilia Magazine, by Edward Robinson.
We also have a great portfolio of paintings from East Village icon Stephen Lack, as well as photographs by Gretchen Faust, Dennis Gordon and Evelyn Bencicova.
We’re also proud to present poetry by legend Steve Dalachinsky (Fool’s Gold), Sparrow, Lynn McGee, Rebecca Weiner Tompkins (Night Sees You First, A Lonely War) and Vladislav Khodosevic (translated by Jenny Wade), an essay on post-collapse America as seen in True Detective by Marian St. Laurent.
We also have live music from Sun Ra, recorded in NYC’s Central Park in 1986, with additional art, illustrations and photographs by Ruby Ray (From the Edge of the World: California Punk, 1977-1981), Chris Bava, Peter Shear, David West (Music: Drawing Down the Muse), Liz Kresch, Ted Barron, Julie Torres and Tom McGlynn.
Available here in PDF format here for just $5.95, or get the full-color print version via Amazon and select bookstores.
Sensitive Skin began as a print venture from New York’s Lower East Side in the 1990s, and published such literary luminaries as Richard Hell, Steve Cannon, Jack Micheline, Penny Arcade, John Farris, Eileen Myles, Lynne Tillman, Patrick McGrath, Bob Holman, Maggie Estep, Emily XYZ, Herbert Huncke and Joel Rose, with art by Andres Serrano, Ari Marcopolis, Andrew Castrucci and James Romberger, to name but a few….
Sensitive Skin was reborn in the summer of 2010, and has since presented original work by such esteemed writers, artists and musicians as Samuel R. Delaney, John Lurie, Gary Indiana, Sharon Mesmer, Charles Gatewood, Gretchen Faust, Alex Katz, Peter Blauner, Hal Sirowitz, Arthur Nersesian, Maggie Estep, Fred Frith, Evelyn Bencicova, Thurston Moore, Iggy Pop, Winston Smith, Sue Rynski, Steve Dalachinsky, Marty Thau, Justine Frischmann, Craig Clevenger, Darius James, Stewart Home, Michael A. Gonzales, Drew Hubner, Jonathan Shaw, Melissa Febos, Stephen Lack, Max Blagg, Patricia Eakins, Díre McCain, Rob Roberge, Kurt Wolf, Erika Schickel, John S. Hall, Kevin Rafferty, Elliott Sharp, Mike Hudson, James Greer, Ruby Ray, William S. Burroughs and Allen Ginsberg.