guardian angels?
a pistol is held to your forehead
in a bosky alley of the night
you search for the face behind the hand
as you wait for the click of the trigger
instead you see
the hand holding the gun pull back
you take a deep breath
and when your lungs
fill up with the air of hope
a blow hits your temple
a stick-up
the thought enters you
together with the pain
two men stand above you
kick your face
your groin
without rushing
one of them leans above you
“you little piece of crap
be happy
you still
perspiring at you

this is the room
its scabrous floor
suggests it’s more than just one
sneaking cold
surrounds them
warm replaces the cold
tepid hailstorm swallows the light
washes the air clean
silence dies away
makes our voices
with routine tasks
tile shards’ dust falls from the roof
blinding a staghorn sumac
broken mirror shards cast shadows
to the boot sole dirt covered
ant cleaved floor
mosquito and fly remains stuck
on the wall
faces hidden on the cabinet door
at the abandoned room
through the window gap
the wind fluent in every language
blows secondhand air
at the musty walls
whispers something
to the body-wrinkled bed
waits for no answers
and lashes itself
to the cracks on the door
frozen to polaroid
you plastered my eyes
I couldn’t see
how you live
in different places
at the same time
I couldn’t see
you watching
the zigzagging flashes
of the slices of light
becoming polaroid
among them
your only souvenir
the unknown gate of a garden
the only entrance
you could never exit
lying in the bottom
of the box
beneath your pictures
–Gabor G. Gyukics
Great poems!!!