“My problem is I’m both attracted and repelled by the male organ.”
—Diane Keaton, Manhattan
I hope you don’t quote me
as saying I like your sexual organ,
she said. There are better things
I’d like to be known for – like
being a good listener. I don’t
have a special relationship

Soft break up, oil on linen, 64″ x 50″ , 2014, by Clinton King
with only one part of your
body. I relate to every part,
even your eardrums. It’s hard
for me to not notice your groin
at times, but I hope to spend
equal time with your other
body parts, like your heels.
It’s difficult to say, “Put your
heels on my lap.” You might
come away thinking I have
a foot fetish. You’d be
dreadfully wrong.
–Hal Sirowitz
Sensitive Skin 12 available here in PDF format here for just $4.95, or get the full-color print version via Amazon and select bookstores.
Painting Poetry