Between Good Men & No Man at All – poetry by Pam Ward – Review
Marc Olmsted
Between Good Men & No Man at All
By Pam Ward
World Stage Press
Poet Richard Modiano first brought Pam Ward to my attention by telling me she was writing the introduction to his poetic collection, The Forbidden Lunchbox. I didn’t know her work, so he read her to me over the phone. I was instantly hooked by her images, candor and the gallows humor known only to those the System does not favor.
Still, as an old white man and apparently retro Post-Beat poet, I would not have had the temerity to review her new work Between Good Men & No Man at All, but I was asked, so here we are.
I already knew we weren’t going to get homogenized Hamilton rap or highbrow slam’s rhyming editorial language (i.e. non-imagistic). Instead I was surprised to be reminded of stumbling into an L.A. skid row grind house for the last half of Sweet Sweetback’s Bad Ass Song. Plus, like all grind house double- and triple-bills, t...
Santa Fe Three-Way
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Sensitive Skin Books
The Absence of Angels
Christian X. Hunter
Sensitive Skin Books is proud to present THE ABSENCE OF ANGELS, Christian X. Hunter's three-decade tramp through the evolution of ‘60s East Village counter culture in a kaleidoscope of freaks, to the '70s and playing with bar bands and living in Vermont communes, to the '80s with Warhol Superstars, with encounters all along the way with Times Square grifters, junkie poets, rock stars, revolutionaries, in the back rooms of the Fillmore East, Max's Kansas City and The Mudd Club.
THE ABSENCE OF ANGELS is a synesthetic expedition through late 20th Century Manhattan. It’s a love story between a city and its denizens. Every page is permeated with poetic frenzy, grace and verve. Hunter captures the magical decay of the 70s and 80s like few other writers have. I LOVE THIS BOOK!
—Gillian McCain, co-author of Please Kill Me: The Uncensored Oral History of Punk
Christian X. Hunter lets us ride shotgun to his life in the turbulent 1...
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Sunflowers of Bucha
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Marc Olmsted
By Richard Modiano
Punk Hostage Press
(Available on Amazon)
How can I review a book that reviews itself so elegantly in Richard Modiano’s own preface and Pam Ward’s introduction? Then there are remarks by Viggo Mortenson and Ronne Blakely. The list goes on. THE FORBIDDEN LUNCHBOX is, unsurprisingly, a very good, even great book. It is also Richard’s first, at age 71. Not even a prior chapbook of his own, ladies and gentlemen.
What took him so long?
The answer may be found first in his recent 10 years as Executive Director of Beyond Baroque, the Venice Beach, California literary center equivalent of NYC’s Poetry Project at St. Mark's Church in-the-Bowery. Like any true Platonic philosopher-king, he did not ask for it, let alone want it. Like the Roman Empire’s Marcus Aurelius, he ran BB with wisdom, dignity and humbleness. Alec Guinness played Marcus Aurelius in Anthony Ma...
Gregory Kolm
You thought this would be ground zero,
the birthplace of the upcoming revolution,
but nobody read the emails you sent,
or the magazines you handed out, or
tried to understand the class warfare that
you spoke about so hu...