Sensitive Skin #12 – Poetry Month Special
The Editors
Presenting Sensitive Skin 12, published April 2015, a special issue dedicated to poetry and art, in celebration of Poetry Month.
Sensitive Skin 12 features 30 poems (one for every day in April) by John S. Hall, Bonny ...
John S. Hall
by This Fuckin' Guy (as told to John S. Hall)
Owls don’t seem so fucking wise to me.
They look like dicks, usually,
With their chests all puffed out and shit,
Like they’re saying
“Fuck me? No--fuck you!”
But ...
Playing Chicken With Thanatos By Díre McCain — A Review By Phil Smith
Phil Smith
Playing Chicken With Thanatos By Díre McCain (Apophenia, 2013)
Playing Chicken With Thanatos by the editor of Paraphilia Magazine, Díre McCain, is an extraordinary piece of autobiographical writing. For the first 200 pa...
William S. Burroughs, Nancy Comics and the Cut-Up Method
Bernard Meisler
Nancy, the iconic series of graphic tone poems by the legendary Ernie Bushmiller, achieved landmark status not for its dada-esque art, its stark depiction of a near-barren (yet strangely psychedelic) landscape populated by p...
The Open Solitudes of a Plural Self: Joseph O’Neal on Painting
Erik Noonan
Quite apart from the circumstantial affiliations that normally obtain among contemporaries, and quite apart from the facile optical resemblances that one can discern among artworks across distances in time, looking at a pain...
William S. Burroughs Fan Letter to Truman Capote, 1970
William S. Burroughs
Truman Capote once famously said of the work of Jack Kerouac: "That's not writing, that's typing." A decade or so later, William S. Burroughs returned the favor with this epistolary riposte.
July 23, 1970
My Dear Mr. T...
Nightmare Code, directed by Mark Netter – A Review by Franklin Mount
Franklin Mount
Nightmare Code, directed by Mark Netter, starring Andrew J. West, Mei Melançon, and Googy Gress, written by M.J. Rotondi and Mark Netter.
We start with a troubled young man (Andrew J. West, best known for his portrayal as ...
Gladyss of the Hunt by Arthur Nersesian – A Review by Jim Feast
Jim Feast
Gladyss of the Hunt by Arthur Nersesian (Verse Chorus Press, 2014)
The title of Arthur Nersesian’s new book, Gladyss of the Hunt, might seem a peculiar one for a detective novel. However, the author, like the book’s p...
Sensitive Skin Most Best of 2014 More Favorites or Whenever
The Editors
I thought it would be fun to ask some Sensitive Skin editors and contributors what they thought was the best of 2014 - not necessarily the "best of" the year—what they liked best during the year, whenever it came out. So I...
The “I Love Everbody” Tour Diaries
Maggie Estep
Last year, shortly after Maggie's passing, we published part one of her tour diaries. Here's part two of her adventures with Hole, The Beastie Boys and more, from Sensitive Skin Number 11, which we dedicated to Maggie.
on the b-38
steve dalachinsky
on the b-38
what are you waiting for / get covered / start here /
a gift of happiness or risky listening?
ya never can tell / drivin 26 yrs / 47 / nice humble guy
surprised / caught a heart attack / here today gone t...
Lambs to the Laughter
I have the kind of mind that would kill me if it didn’t need me for transportation.
In this case to Ireland.
I had no conscious desire to go anywhere near the place but somehow I found myself sucked into the subway,...
Dennis Gordon – Photographs
Dennis Gordon
I’ve been drawn to abandoned buildings all my life. When I was a boy, the allure was breaking into forbidden places without getting caught, the adventure of making new discoveries. Later, when I became a firefighter in 197...
Afro-Surreal Excerpt
D. Scot Miller
Let me tell you how I met Sham Black.
West Virginia, Dunbar Jr. High School football field, 123rd Annual Commode Bowl, Riverside Rats versus The Hillside Rams.
photograph by Kym Ghee
Every Thanksgiving morning...
Gretchen Faust – Photographs
Gretchen Faust
Gretchen Faust is an artist and performer. She’s had multiple solo exhibitions at the Pat Hearn Gal- lery in NYC and Greengrassi in London, where she is currently represented. She has performed at the Franklin Furnace and ...