Tambourine Man: Gene Clark – Part 8
Drew Hubner
For the rest of the show, Gene Clark pitched in with the others. They just had their guitars and used whatever PA was available. They sang to one mike like some old fashioned country round up.
They had to go back to their...
Tambourine Man: Gene Clark – Part 7
Drew Hubner
Gene Clark released his first solo album more than a year and a half after Eight Miles High. He recorded it with some of LA’s best session musicians including Leon Russell, Glen Campbell and Clarence White, all of whom we...
Tambourine Man: Gene Clark – Part 6
Drew Hubner
We got our tickets, went up the escalator to find our platform. The buses were so behind by now, getting dark outside as 4:30 turned to six pm. I had to go to the bathroom really bad. Never has a room smelled as bad as th...
Tambourine Man: Gene Clark – Part 5
Drew Hubner
The flurries turned to big wet lazy falling snowflakes that we caught on our tongues as we walked. Diz lit a bone, hit it and passed it to me. The next thing I knew we were walking up on Broadway and I was looking at all t...
Tambourine Man: Gene Clark – Part 4
Drew Hubner
Dad was awake and talking a mile a minute. He saw us and waved his cigarette and the ash fell off. He came out of the truck and gave us both a hug. I’m proud of you guys he said.
For what?
Hey we’re all still ali...
Memory – New Translation of Pushkin’s Poem
Jenny Wade
Когда для смертного умолкнет шумный день
И на немые стогны града
Полупрозрачная наляжет н�...
Tambourine Man: Gene Clark – Part 3
Drew Hubner
Dad's bread truck was the perfect cover.
Parked on 7th Street, east of Ave B and Tompkins Park nodding out at the steering wheel. I gave him an hour. From the length of the ash on his cigarette, I could tell he wasn’t ...
Tambourine Man: Gene Clark – Part 2: No Other Tour
Drew Hubner
Mom had tawny hair and blue eyes
and for the whole of her bar career
guys fell in love with her.
I think she modeled her life in some way after Tombstone.
She used to cry when she saw it, and John Wayne asked
Tambourine Man: Gene Clark/No Other Memoir Project 1
Drew Hubner
I asked Dylan once, Did you make Gene Clark famous? And he said, No, Gene Clark made me famous.
-Bobby Neuwirth
On the night of January 16, 1991, Gene Clark and the four other original Byrds got together one last time to...
Can You Hear Me God, It’s Me, Godzilla
Marc Olmsted
You may not have seen the new Godzilla, the biggest summer blockbuster yet, but you must have seen the trailers. My review is meant to enhance your experience if you do finally go to your local 3-D IMAX vendor and see what ...
America as Afterimage in True Detective
Marian St. Laurent
The moral righteousness of the Western genre with its clear definitions of good vs. evil looks quaint from where we find ourselves in 2014. If heroes are symbols of evolving cultural values, the fact that our pantheon ...
Super Size Me – 10th Anniversary Soundtrack
Steve Horowitz
Now available on Amazon and iTunes, the new release from Sensitive Skin Music: Steve Horowitz's Super Size Me 10th Anniversary soundtrack.
It’s been ten years since Morgan Spurlock’s documentary Super Size Me came out...
Kali’s Day By Bonny Finberg – A Review
Bonny Finberg
Kali’s Day By Bonny Finberg
An Autonomedia/Unbearable Book, 2014
Bonny Finberg's Kali's Day is an odd combination, a melancholy, picaresque spinning prayer wheel of a novel, almost contemporary and nearly timeless. It ...
Kraftwerk 3D, in concert at the United Palace Theatre
Franklin Mount
Kraftwerk. A band whose name, in English, means "power plant," but, since it's German, the name is somehow more elemental in the band's native language. Basically: power+work.
I'm still, this afternoon at least, luxuriat...
The Antisocial Butterfly – a review of Jill Rapaport’s “Duchamp et Moi”
Robert C. Hardin
It begins with a withered Dadaist and parents. In the title story of Jill Rapaport’s new collection, Duchamp et Moi, a French-Romanian pop and painter mom learn that their favorite creaking enfant terrible is in town. ...