BEER MYSTIC Burp #5: A Mental Jersey Leads to Spirited Beer Consumption
bart plantenga
Before Jersey Shore was a TV show, it was already a socio-anthropological phenomenon of some steroidal bonehead beach bum magnitude. Summers were and still are an excuse for so-called [or seemingly] norma...
Why Drunken Poets Need to Procreate
Jose Padua
If it were somehow obligatory that I sum up my existence with a single sentence—or perhaps with just a phrase and a simple image—I’d be at a loss. I would, in fact, feel quite helpless, as if I were trapped in some h...
Beer Mystic Burp #4: A Weird, Bloody Barroom Ritual Remembered
bart plantenga
Beer Mystic Burp 4: A Weird, Bloody Barroom Ritual Remembered
Imagine this, you walk into your local bar, a place where you know where to hang your truss, and upon entering you instantly sense something is amiss, awry –...
Journal Entry- Mexico, 1970's
Jonathan Shaw
A song of the Caribbean fading and a rusted burned out car shell laying under the sun in a lot of weeds behind the house. A fly buzzing around my head but too lazy to bother me much. A fly will meet his spid...
Late Night Phone Call from the Used to Be
Carl Watson
An excerpt from backwards the drowned go dreaming
People like to blame things—they like to pretend life is an accident, that it’s not their fault. But accidents can be intentional. We make ourselves magnets by o...
Sex, God and Violence
S. A. Emmons
The stars must have been aligned when, entirely by chance, I happened upon The Spitters way back in 1994. I had caught a short blurb on them while flipping through some metal magazine or another in a grocery store. It was ac...
Ice T Spit on My Foot & other poems
Sean Flaherty
Ice-T Spit on my Foot
I have been going
to night school
after work
so I can learn
some new things,
to broaden myself
at forty-three,
I met this roofer
at school
who told me that
all the roofers and electrician...
Elliott Sharp – Rare, Unreleased and Out-of-Print
Elliott Sharp
Elliott Sharp, a composer and multi-instrumentalist, playing mainly guitar, saxophone and bass clarinet, is one of the major figures in the New York downtown and experimental music scene. Sharp has led many ensembles over th...
On the Customs of Whey-Guts
Patricia Eakins
An excerpt from The Marvelous Adventures of Pierre Baptiste, Father and Mother, First and Last
Now the DEROGATIONS by means of which the whites belittle the honor and dignity of blacks are very well known, among them as a...
John Griffin – New Paintings
John Griffin
My dad, John Griffin Morrissey, was raised in Bay Ridge, Coney Island, and Sunset Park; a Brooklyn boy through and through. He is the eldest, (and craziest) of seven in an Irish Catholic family. His formal education only we...
David West – New Paintings
David West
Paris Cat, or, the Art of David West.
I first met David West in New York. West, now as then, documents the musicians of the avant-garde, the people of the underground milieu and his experiences of urban life. His...
Blood in the Face
Anne Bohlen, Kevin Rafferty, and James Ridgeway
Excerpt from a film by Anne Bohlen, Kevin Rafferty, and James Ridgeway, with interviews by Michael Moore, from 1991.
Bohlen, Rafferty (The Atomic Cafe) and Ridgeway simply turn on their cameras cinema and let their subjec...
Botanical Man
Bonny Finberg
I'm sure there was a moment when I realized it was about to happen. But I can't remember it. It snuck up on me, like snake bite—sending you into a delirium, and just when you realize what's happening you’re dead. It was...
Mike DeCapite
I went to St. Louis and stayed with Ted and Kit for the weekend. They’d been there a couple of years, I guess. Ted had bottomed out in Brooklyn and they’d moved home to St. Louis for him to get straightened out. Their...
The Best Night of His Life
Max Blagg
an excerpt from 101 Nights
Every two weeks the exterminator came by the bar to suppress the vermin that swarmed beneath the sinks, behind the kitchen walls and in the basement. There were no rats, but the place had a fluc...