draped Kelp and no lullaby thick sound from deep wonder ritual unconformed
to sea sutra canters
the silver egg’s path from studio
to rocks
near shore
to ocean soaked tidal pools lady lay day
heat mapped exposure turns sea weed to crimson in a dark room
near a far shore
where the mother’s tongue’s native father’s melted in the pot
instead visions, moving lights
and nothing like spanish
back to the room
old pointed town beaches on both sides fine folks, ritual’s child a bit of home there

The Apex Moralist and the Hot Birdman discuss the mineshafts
“Weird and Wonderful Devon Apples – Tom Putt, Slackmagirdle, Pig’s Snout, Tale Sweet, Devon Crimson [not kelp!] and Oaken Pin to name a few”
Add another to the list
Tough Skin, oak’s elegance, lofty output Name the woods, gentle the corners mind the man whose spine will fail him
spinning foam, gold flower headdress stacked two pound coins for Ganesha
know the hedges, peek rooms marked private alarms, chandeliers past Stag’s den
mad dad, mind the last days, cost
in a mood is a continent
on this island one’s vehicle rides best
The Mouth of the Dart seats conflicts free spirits from matters don’t rhyme
curiosities, cabinets spawned through from the wigs to now
categories improved via theft, intrusion
reflection collection, Time’s Keepers
Stone of tongues, action figures in 4000 years of marvel 10,000 years since sand put rites on the river
sound symbols make those rock tales
ur queen’s gold flowers hearken to Devon
gong shields, flying horses, fine pair of Burma hmm should we keep the tridents?
the heads last retained body’s own vehicle big foot in a sandal
–Christopher Romero, from Sensitive Skin 13
Sensitive Skin 13 available here in PDF format here for just $4.95, or get the full-color print version via Amazon and select bookstores.
Photographs Poetry