S02E07 – Vincent Zangrillo
Bernard Meisler
Author Vincent Zangrillo in conversation with Bernard Meisler.
Vincent Zangrillo back in his salad days
Vincent (Vinnie) Zangrillo is the author of Dime Bag, a collection of short stories recounting his misadventures i...
TRICKS OF LIGHT – Selected Poems by Thaddeus Rutkowski – Review
Amy Ouzoonian
Selected Poems by Thaddeus Rutkowski
100 pages, Great Weather For Media
I am one of those people who can find connections and associations between concepts and coincidences in just about any situation. I’ll be thinking about someone and then they call me or send me a message. I love connecting the dots of current events with astrological shifts and I have blamed mercury retrograde for unfortunate events as many times as I have thanked my lucky stars for good fortune.
I started reading Thaddeus Rutkowski’s book of poetry, Tricks of Light, in the first week of April. At that time the Governor of Arizona, (where I live) had announced that we were to observe “shelter in place” to help “flatten the curve” and reduce cases of COVID-19.
The speaker in Tricks of Light makes simple philosophical observations and engages with people on a limited basis, but for the most part, one could imagine him being ...
Sensitive Skin Beer Virus Reading #7 – Amy Ouzoonian, Amy Barone, John S. Hall
The Editors
The seventh in the Sensitive Skin magazine series of Zoom quarantine readings, featuring:
- Amy Ouzoonian (Phoenix, AZ) 3:12
- Amy Barone (NYC) 16:20
- John S. Hall (NYC) 31:35
Subscribe to our YouTube channel Se...
Sensitive Skin Beer Virus Reading #6 – D. James Smith, Mike DeCapite & Max Blagg
The Editors
Sensitive Skin presents more literature in the time of quarantine, featuring readings by:
- D. James Smith, Fresno CA (2:12)
- Mike DeCapite, NYC (13:02)
- Max Blagg, NYC (25:50)
You can read Max's epic coronavirus poe...
Marc Olmsted
the Hulk is my yidam my chosen anger deity
Marvel comicbook Avenger
blazing in apocalyptic fire
grunting wrathful 4-letter mantras
demolishing years of therapy
concepts of Buddhist attainment
& mastered sobriety
A rhyming rant in the time of Corona
Max Blagg
I want this poem to become as curvy
as the hottentot Venus's posterior
I hope it's worthy of your serious survey
you can see I'm rather nervé, nervous in the service
but tonight I discard my corona fears
so open your e...
Russians in Milan
Genna Rivieccio
The Russians have taken over Milan. They of the hearty stock and with their unflappable physical and emotional essence. It didn’t take them long to infiltrate in clusters and then droves. Now that no one else is left to vi...
Rebecca Weiner Tompkins
I wear the heaviness of my mother’s rings:
the deep shaded carnelian--burgundy
slab--and the veined malachite--oblong green.
I don’t usually favor silver, plus they’re huge
even on my own large long hands.
My si...
I Held Her Like a Pencil Drawing
Anton Yakovlev
That was my first mistake.
Whoever expected us to become the best movie of the decade
needs to go home and become a better person.
The rain stayed right where it fell.
Even shadows failed better than we. Perhaps
I coul...
Sensitive Skin Beer Virus Reading # 5 – Gerald Nicosia, Emily Carter, Jeffrey Cyphers Wright, Bob Holman
The Editors
Here's the fifth Sensitive Skin Beer Virus Reading live via Zoom! Readings in the time of quarantine, featuring work by:
Gerald Nicosia (MEMORY BABE) - 2:11
Emily Carter (GLORY GOES AND GETS SOME) - 13:57
Jeffrey Cypher...
Some Thoughts on Party Crashing
Neil Martinson
At this stage of my life, I don’t crash nearly as many parties as I used to. Free time is at a premium, and there’s simply less wandering to do now that I live in Los Angeles. While my two decades in San Francisco proved...
Talking Alligator Therapist Puppet™
Sharon Mesmer
I read there’s a talking alligator puppet
that doubles as a therapist.
He is realistically rendered, with velour ruching
and soft plastic teeth.
Sliding pole action enables his mouth
to open up and down, and his head...
Osip Mandelstam
In an interview from 1976, Nadezhda Mandelstam, the widow of the great Russian poet Osip Mandelstam, was asked if she had any favorite poems. She mentioned two, both written in the winter of 1937: “Verses about an unknown ...
Sensitive Skin Beer Virus Reading #4 – April 16, 2020
The Editors
An online Zoom reading presented by Sensitive Skin magazine featuring work by:
Mia Hansford (Chattanooga, TN)
Liza Béar (NYC)
Jose Padua (Washington, DC)
Tony DuShane (Los Angeles)
Online readings every Thursday for...
Poem for Gregory Corso’s Ashes in the English Cemetery in Rome
Gerald Nicosia
Dear Gregory, as long as I knew you
They were throwing you out of places
I watched Bob Levy
Normally a kind man
Give you the bum’s rush out of City Lights
Yelling, “We want your books here
But not you!”
(There w...