Mastodon Exiguity - Jeffrey Cyphers Wright - Poetry - Sensitive Skin Magazine


I never get mad, I get even —
written in glitter on the broad back
of a fat man’s blue jean jacket.
Everything faded
except the dust & grease. Grace being
a monument not to survival, but to
resignation of divinity.
As words are yellow farts in the wind
when rain is out to sea.
The flesh runs — a pink clock
on a red track across the sky
into a black hole, an onus on us.

One who sets out to make a good impression
makes a bad impression. Burroughs’
Negativity Principle dictates
a contrary impulse behind every intention.
Pigeons fight on bluestone sill,
wings pummel adversaries & air.
First they fight — then they fuck.
You could knock me over with a feather.

Ladies & Dog, Ave. C & E. 2nd St., 1983, photograph by Philip Pocock
Ladies & Dog, Ave. C & E. 2nd St., 1983, photograph by Philip Pocock

-Jeffrey Cyphers Wright

Photographs Poetry

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