Mastodon Good Friday Diner - John Greiner - Poetry - Sensitive Skin Magazine

Good Friday Diner

Good Friday Diner

The Louisville Slugger has got his eyes
on the highway and the motorcycle 
that is going get him out and up the Hudson I-9
he's just got to go down to Brooklyn
 			and buy it
and once it's bought the city will be left behind
at least on some upcoming weekend
when work is willing to let him get away
we've got Friday morning Chinatown sit down
		after long subway rides
the diner set thin as so many have already left
		for the three days
the Easter Parade will be coming around the corner
uptown Midtown somehow so much further from here
then even our thoughts have let it fall 
		in near miss forgetfulness
Jesus will be risen with the spring once again
there will be praise somewhere else
In the meantime I'll make my way to City Hall
to register as a reverend saver of souls or at least 
	sealer of sacred vows
the Louisville Slugger promises to hit the road
and leave his Williamsburg pad behind
forgetting the price of years lost for the gain
		of less and less
he orders an omelet and I order a cheeseburger
and fries to fortify myself for the bureaucracy to come 
I'll marry the moon to the sun on the East River shores
and if time allows baptize the baptizers
who will someday have their eyes on the profane heavens
where the shooting stars fall in sin offering new possibilities
as the hour comes to an end the Louisville Slugger leaves
his breakfast unfinished with no love for the food
that was once solid in bygone days before the era
of organic egg whites and wheat toast without God
		given gluten
his motorcycle waits
so we pay then part with handshakes and sights 
on far different speedways to salvation
549 Points, Clinton Street, 1984, photograph by Philip Pocock
549 Points, Clinton Street, 1984, photograph by Philip Pocock

-John Greiner

Photographs Poetry

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