Mastodon Sensitive Skin Magazine - Page 10 of 65 - art, stories, poetry, essays, reviews and music

TRICKS OF LIGHT – Selected Poems by Thaddeus Rutkowski – Review

Amy Ouzoonian

TRICKS OF LIGHT Selected Poems by Thaddeus Rutkowski 100 pages, Great Weather For Media I am one of those people who can find connections and associations between concepts and coincidences in just about any situation. I’ll be thinking about someone and then they call me or send me a message. I love connecting the dots of current events with astrological shifts and I have blamed mercury retrograde for unfortunate events as many times as I have thanked my lucky stars for good fortune. I started reading Thaddeus Rutkowski’s book of poetry, Tricks of Light, in the first week of April. At that time the Governor of Arizona, (where I live) had announced that we were to observe “shelter in place” to help “flatten the curve” and reduce cases of COVID-19. The speaker in Tricks of Light makes simple philosophical observations and engages with people on a limited basis, but for the most part, one could imagine him being ...