Max Sees Red by Martha King – Review
Jim Feast
Martha King, Max Sees Red (New York: Spuyten Duvvil, 2019)
One of the greatest mysteries of Martha King’s brilliant new novel Max Sees Red does not appear in the narrative itself but in the author’s bio at the end. It reads, “Martha King has never lived in the Hudson Valley or in Soho where this story takes place.”
The mystery is that this story, set in those two locales in 1978, paints such a vivid and detailed portrait, one with the ring of authenticity, so that until hitting this end note the reader thinks the author is using materials drawn from her own life. For instance, look at this this sharply etched description of the changing face of Hudson Valley:
As Max turned the car from the parkway … he noticed the contrast between the first two houses [he saw]. The nearest … was roofed with rusted tin. Its wooden sides were faced with odd sections of black tar paper, and shiny greenish vinyl. .. The next ho...
S02E11 – J. Macon King
Bernard Meisler
Novelist, poet and publisher J. Macon King in conversation with Bernard Meisler.
I met J. Macon King last spring, when he sent in a short story I liked - he thought I lived in NYC, but to his surprise, we both lived ...
What Life Dictates
Peter Wortsman
New neighbors. The walls are thin. The mole on her chin makes it safe to fantasize, or so I think.
“I’m Crowley,” she says, “that’s Jim.”
Jim the Psycho gives me a look that says: I’ll kill you if I ca...
S02E10 – bart plantenga
Bernard Meisler
Novelist and essayist bart plantenga in conversation with Bernard Meisler.
Amsterdam-based bart plantenga is a novelist and essayist (PARIS SCRATCH, NY SIN PHONEY) and one of the co-founders of the Unbearables lite...
S02E09 – Emily Carter
Bernard Meisler
Author Emily Carter in conversation with Bernard Meisler.
Emily Carter is the author of the classic GLORY GOES AND GETS SOME, as well as many, many short stories, published everywhere from Sensitive Skin to The New Yo...
Marc Olmsted
edited by Neeli Cherkovski, Raymond Foye and Tate Swindell
City Lights Books
The surrealism of Bob Kaufman is a true American surrealism, because Kaufman brings the blues, jazz and being a black man in the United States to his subconscious visions. He still remains, in my estimation, America's unequaled surrealist. Just as Beat's other most famous black poet, Amiri Baraka, spawned the Last Poets and the eventual rise of rap, Kaufman's influence is not only present today in Will Alexander and transmale Blackfoot poet Max Wolf Valerio, but in Bob Dylan. It was Amiri Baraka himself who coined the term Afrosurreal Expressionism in 1974 to discussing the work of Henry Dumas, and was later expanded in the Afrosurreal Manifesto by D. Scott Miller. Afrosurrealism is now considered a very active movement, with a wide pantheon that now considers Ted Joans and Samuel R. Delany among its members. ...
AS HE TOLD IT (In Kitchens)
Bonny Finberg
Love, built on mutual fantasy in order to fortify against loneliness, eventually becomes a prison.
I approach the beginning of the end never really having had love that doesn't feel like a betrayal.
Anyone I have ever...
S02E08 – Arthur Nersesian
Bernard Meisler
Novelist, playwright and poet Arthur Nersesian in conversation with Bernard Meisler.
Arthur Nersesian, photograph by David Shankbone
Arthur Nersesian is the author of nine books, including the classic novels The Fuck-U...
Confessions of a Bad Boy: An Act in Fore Plays
J. K.
Play One
Hot car and hot girl after two hot nights. Pushing the pedal, I sped my new girlfriend’s blue Mustang down the Bay Area Autobahn. I could hurtle for miles at a buck twenty—if it wasn’t for the CHP. San Fran...
Two Micro Stories by Roberta Allen
Roberta Allen
The dying man just told the barmaid and two customers that he is dying. The two men stare at their drinks. The barmaid washes glasses so she doesn’t have to look at the dying man. “I’m so sorry,”...
S02E06 – Puma Perl
Bernard Meisler
NYC poet and impresario Puma Perla in conversation with Bernard Meisler.
photograph of Puma Perl by Len DeLessio
I've never met Puma Perl in real life. That is, I don't recall having done so. But it seems as if we must...
Marcus Leatherdale: Photographs New York City 1980-1992
Franklin Mount
Out of the Shadows: Marcus Leatherdale: Photographs New York City 1980-1992
Exhibition: Throckmorton Fine Art, through January 25, 2020.
It’s terribly difficult to photograph a famous person and then actually produce a...
S02E05 – David West
Bernard Meisler
Paris-based painter David West in conversation with Bernard Meisler.
Some new paintings by David West
I met David West at the Pink Pony in NYC, back in 1994 or thereabouts. David was the "bartender" and I used to go th...
S02E04 – Eve Packer
Bernard Meisler
NYC poet Eve Packer in conversation with Bernard Meisler.
Eve Packer
Great NYC poet Eve Packer and I spoke about the loss of our dear friend Steve Cannon, Jeffrey Epstein (Note: this was recorded in mid-July), her own ...
Mulberry and Mott
Mia Hansford
You ask me why I want to stop here but I didn’t say
because that truck is dropping a load of steel through
a graffitied plywood door and that’s the sound of a city
turning corners. Didn’t say because this bench s...