Mr. Adams Live
Fluffy Schwartz
Steve Adams is playing at the Berkeley Arts Festival this Thursday night, run don't walk to hear him play! Steve is the real deal and a local gem. he will be appearing with Lisa Mezzacappa - bass, John Hanes - electronics ...
Where the Exiles Go — The Canadian Literary Outlaw in a Conformist Culture
Mark McCawley
For as long as I've been writing and publishing in Canada, the concept of a Canadian Literary Outlaw has always been something of a contradiction. Not that ...
What I Did Today, Carl Watson's Issue
Ron Kolm
After contributing to an earlier issue of What I Did Today, Carl Watson collected three two-thousand word essays to go along with his already published one, to complete his own follow-up issue. Here’s Michael Randall’s ...
Mississippi Muck!
Fluffy Schwartz
Ok, went to see Hank III, huge dis-appointment. Sorry to say, the band was great but, the mix was so loud & terrible that it was worse then a trip to the dentist for a root canal. After about an hour of trying every corn...
Ralph Carney’s Serious Jass Project
Fluffy Schwartz
You may remember the feature piece Sensitive Skin did on Ralph Carney last year - good news! The one and only Ralph has a new album out!
Smog Veil Records announces Ralph Carney's new Serious Jass Project album titled, Se...
For Rent & Smokestacks – Photographs by Danny Kolm
Danny Kolm
Two photographs from Danny Kolm, "Smokestacks" and "For Rent."
Back to School
Fluffy Schwartz
Working on an amazing project with musical legend Fred Frith and the Berkeley High School orchestra conducted by the talented Karen Wells. Today was our first full rehearsal and run thru and it was a blast. The whole thing i...
Mississippi Mudd
Fluffy Schwartz
Did I tell you that I absolutely love Hank Williams. He has written some of my favorite songs ever. So a little while back I was with my son in a pizza place and they were playing some cool stuff and it turned out to be Hank...
Sadie and Della
Michael Aanavi
"What do these children do without storybooks?" Naftali asked.
And Reb Zebulun replied: "They have to make do. Storybooks aren't bread. You can live without them."
I couldn't live without them." Naftali said.
—Isaac Bas...
Beer Burp #11: Obsolete Drunken Nirvana
bart plantenga
Rich Dana, is not just the editor of the retro-future activist aesthetics journal Obsolete but also a guy doing battle – and making his own peace – with the various seemingly overwhelming forces of displacement, corpo...
Library of Sean
Sean Flaherty
"We have to distrust each other. It's our only defense against betrayal." - Tennessee Williams
I don’t loan books:
as a rule it removes the awkward event
of returning the book.
You begged to borrow it,
charmed me
with yo...
Dessins Quotidiennes (Daily Drawings)
David West
Drawings by David West, for Sensitive Skin magazine. David is an artist and painter now residing in Paris, France.
Live music, great show, Dan Plonsey Live this Wed night!
Fluffy Schwartz
If you have not seen Dan Plonsey play you really should, this guy is the real deal. His ensemble is original and always engaging. In fact, you can see him and his group this Wednesday night, September 21st, at the SUBTERRAN...
The Rolling Stones in Mono
Bernard Meisler
I remember when I was a mere tot, I'd see old Rolling Stones albums (yes, these were actual physical objects made from vinyl, a fragile black petroleum-based substance) at the used record store, selling for what was a small ...
Five years in Fleischmanns
Carl Watson
As some of you may or may not know, I have been trying to restore an old barn in the Catskills for several years. I had thought of writing funny little stories about my experiences but never produced anything. This year th...