Balloons, Beads
John Farris
“What you gonna be when you blow up? I bet you gonna be a balloon…kee kee kee!” That was Willie T’s salutation these days -- delivered with an eye-rolling guffaw registering satisfaction with his cho...
Eddie Woods
The poem "Bananas" is a true story. I was flat broke in Hong Kong, strolling along Kowloon's Nathan Road vaguely wondering how to pay my rent. But also thinking poems. Suddenly this stunning black GI on R&R from Vietnam stop...
Vain Endeavor & other poems
Dan Sofaer
Vain Endeavor
It was a vain endeavor.
All the plants and leaves
Took pity on it as it
Hung out in the wind.
Princesses noticed its
Ridiculous asinine shadow
As it hung out there torn
For a moment and said
Poor, po...
A Tribute to John Coltrane
The Editors
In celebration of the birthday of John Coltrane, Sensitive Skin had its first reading in San Francisco, Thursday, September 23rd 2010 at:
The Luggage Store Gallery
Craig Clevenger reads from Dermaphoria, part 2
Sensitive Skin Live at Bowery Poetry Club, 8-15-2010
The Editors
Contributors to past, present and future issues showed up at the Bowery Poetry Club, August 15, 2010 in New York City. Much thanks to the proprietor, Bob Holman, for hosting us (and for joining us as a special guest star). E...
The Sinners & other great Latin garage rock bands
Bernard Meisler
So after watching Simon of the Desert last week, and being blown away by what is perhaps the most ridiculous (or sublime?) ending to any film ever made, I did my research and figured out the name of the band - The Sinners. ...
Inception Antidote – Luis Buñuel’s "Simon of the Desert"
Bernard Meisler
I hate to write a negative review of anything - what's the point, really? - and I don't want to rain on anyone's parade who might have enjoyed it - but I hated Inception. I mean, I didn't just not like it, it made me angry. ...
New Work – Al Kresch
Al Kresch
Al Kresch has been dealing with the same motifs for at least 40 years. The earlier paintings that I have seen, not unlike the best work of Derain and Marquet, show him reacting not only to the largest forming and emotion...
Lapis Lazuli
Kurt Wolf
Lapis Lazuli is a solo instrumental project written, produced, and performed by Kurt Wolf on laptop, guitar, and analog synth. Kurt Wolf is known for his contributions to downtown noise rock acts, Pussy Galore, Boss Hog, Lo...
Rebecca Gaffney
Rebecca Gaffney is obsessed with out of phase strobelight, reflections, pulling ephemeral light/vid moments out of the air, weird underground bands, experimental everything, ghetto layers, transcendence, "happenings", epic c...
Motor City is Not My Home
Emily XYZ
Motor city is not my home / but I love it just the same
Murder city, kill city ok but that’s just one way
to look at the place where so much comes from
and I know GM should have been allowed to fall but for all
the goo...
Merthiolate (and Other Futile Antiseptics)
Robert C. Hardin
After failing to kill myself for the eighteenth time, I decided to be more positive. Why focus on failure? I thought. Why not appreciate the character added by damage to my once-perfect body? But despite the p...
Night Train Heading South
Christian X. Hunter
Excerpts from A Fistful Of Rupees
There is a train to Dharmavaram at 5:00 for fifty-seven rupees. That allows about fourteen minutes buy a platform ticket, retrieve my pack from left luggage, buy some food and find the trai...
That’s Entertainment – Chapter One
B. Kold
Aliens do exist, but humans should try to avoid any contact with them
- Stephen Hawking
You’re fired.
- Donald Trump
New York City: The Near Future
Vion Sandor was cold. Everybody else on line was cold too, but th...
Dennis Hopper – Outlaw Artist
Bernard Meisler
I've wanted to pay tribute to the great Dennis Hopper, one of my all-time outlaw artist heroes, since he passed May 29th. I'm not gonna say much, but I'll pass along a few tidbits of info that perhaps you weren't familiar ...