Mastodon Swallow the Evidence - Wanda Phipps - Poetry - Sensitive Skin Magazine

Swallow the Evidence

Inspired by The Limits of Control, a film by Jim Jarmusch

my mind hops back
to the century trees
of Cabo de Gata
a woman in platinum wig
white cowboy hat
white trench coat
and cowboy boots
covered in leopard’s skin
strides through the nearly
mud-like surface
folding the earth
with her heels and
counting the flamingoes
as she goes
she whispers to me
in a stern chastising voice
“you must remember
your lines!” then I see
myself onstage freezing
forgetting “going up”
as she wanders up
cobblestones going up
and up and up the
winding Spanish streets


photograph by Chris Bava

–Wanda Phipps

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